Friday, January 20, 2012

Hotel California

I chose "Hotel California" as my song for this essay mostly because I've loved the song since I was a little kid. I don't know when I first heard the song but I do remember my uncle frequently playing it in car rides with my cousins through L.A. living our own California Dream. Back then I didn't know the lyrics to the song, well besides the chorus, and I certainly didn't know what the lyrics actually meant or even what the song was about. I simply liked it because it sounded good. Although I still like how it sounds, it has a very unique style that's not found in many other songs, I've learned more of the lyrics and like the message I think it's trying to convey. When this essay was assigned I immediately thought of this song and how it would be fun, somewhat, to go dive deeper into the lyrics and get a better understanding about what the song is trying to say.

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