Monday, February 27, 2012

ESPN's racist bluders

This scandal involves 2 incidents in which a "racist phrase" was both published and said over the air by ESPN employees. The phrase, "Chink in the Armor," was used to describe a loss for the New York Knicks after the uprising of Jeremy Lin's  fame. The men who said and published the phrase have maintained that they did not mean the phrase in any racist or negative way. Regardless, the company apologized for the statements and released their apology on their website found here. The issue is whether the statement deserved apology, by whom the apology should have been given, and whether the actions taken by ESPN were reasonable and satisfactory. The accompanying video found on that website makes the case for the side that argues that ESPN acted too quickly and the measures they took were too severe while also discussing the over sensitivity of race in America.


  1. I'm not sure how how talking about an Asian man and using the word chink could be a coincidence or accident, but I agree ESPN could have spent more time deciding what to do or how to apologize properly.

  2. I agree with Rayed. This issue seems deliberate, but the apology (like most apologies for offensive headlines) seems ineffective in preventing a similar event in the future. Firing an employee for writing a racial slur does not necessarily keep others from doing the same.
