Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Axe Commercial Logical Fallacies

Since coming to college I haven't watched much TV which means I haven't watched many commercials. But while watching an episode of The Daily Show the other day this delightful advertising came up and it's clear that ads haven't changed much. In this particular commercial a guy troubled with a dandruff problem also has a more daunting problem, his dandruff apparently turns girls to dust. Luckily he finds Axe Anti-Dandruff shampoo which not only cures his dandruff problem but also makes 3 attractive women show up and start touching him suggestively. Then the slogan "Lose the flakes, Get the Girls" is shown.

The problem with this advertisement is that the arguments it presents aren't logical, which is shocking really. Even in the case that immediately after every man used this product 3 women did show up out of nowhere it would still prove nothing. To say that after using this product women will come to you and it is because of the product is a Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc fallacy. It is very possible that the product itself is not what is causing women to pop out of nowhere, it could simply be that you are ridding yourself of an unpleasant smell by showering and washing your hair. This could be done with any other product, even one that didn't treat dandruff, so this product may not be what's causing all those women to appear every time you shower.

There is also another fallacy in the commercial. The commercial's slogan suggests a False Dichotomy. The fallacy is set up by the ad as follows: you either use the shampoo and rid yourself of dandruff and "get the girls" or you don't use the shampoo and don't "get the girls." It allows for no middle ground for where a guy with dandruff but who let's say has a really nice personality or is super rich CAN "get" a girl. Dandruff and "getting" girls are not mutually exclusive as this advertisement presents.

Other logical fallacies present:
  • Slippery Slope: If you don't use the product you will have dandruff and women will start turning into dust around you.
  • Stirring Symbols: Look attractive women, now buy our product.
  • Oversimplification: The only reason why women around you are turning to dust is because of your dandruff. This completely ignores the possibility that the women around you are vampires and are being subject to the sun's rays.

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